Collection of RPP K13, Independent Curriculum Teaching Modules, Electronic Books, Syllabus and Other Teacher Learning Tools for Elementary Schools and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, from grade 1 to grade 6.
Available Documents
1. Revised RPP K13
2. Independent Curriculum Teaching Module
3. Teacher and Student Electronic Books of the Independent Curriculum
4. Revised Syllabus 8 Columns
5. Prota, Promissory Notes, KIKD Mapping, KIKD, Journals, KKM/KBM
6. Revision K13 Elementary Teacher and Student Electronic Book
7. K13 Free Report Card Application
8. Adm. Book. Teacher
9. Item Analysis
10. Simple K13 Assessment Format11
11. Other Master Formats (Such as Cover, Permendikbud, Lesson Schedules, etc.)
12. Mathematical Tools, PAI, PJOK, B. Sundanese, B. Arabic, and others
- The collection of documents will continue to be multiplied, please update if there is an update notification.
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