Sad news for you. There is a fool in here.
Ponolf is a multiplayer deductive game.
Pick each other's brains with max 12 players to find out Ponolf.
Create quizzes, answer them, and discuss about the some of them to deduce who got it wrong.
Type of quiz: Choice.
Two ways to communicate: Voice chat and Text chat.
You have to expose Ponolf using these methods.
Not good at quiz? You can get tips from others when creating and answering quizzes.
Not good at discussion? Don't worry. Nobody knows the truth.
All you need to do is to prove you are right.
Ponolf will bring calamity. Well, let's start the meeting of tonight.
What's New in the Latest Version 1.1.0
Update the game Minor ver. You can't play Ponolf with user using 1.0.x.
Fix a bug that sometimes Host can't start the match on Custom for 4 or more players And minor bugs.
Add some process to Custom Edit.
Relax the options for Custom Match.
Trim spaces from created questions.