The MCon K app is a navigation app exclusively for MCon K products.
The HUD linked to MCon K provides information display functions such as current vehicle speed, signal speed camera information, section enforcement camera information, child protection zone information, turn information, and TBT remaining distance information.
[Route guidance/search function]
It searches for a destination and provides route guidance on the optimal route to the destination.
Guidance information is displayed on the HUD, allowing for safer driving.
[Speed signal camera/section enforcement camera information]
While driving, the speed camera location and remaining distance are displayed on the map screen, and the same information is also displayed on the HUD terminal.
If the speed limit is exceeded, the map screen flashes red with a sound effect.
The speed limit circle also flashes on the HUD terminal to inform the user of speeding conditions.
[Children protection area information]
If there is a child protection zone while driving, the location and remaining distance of the child protection zone are displayed on the driving map screen, and the child protection zone LED lights up on the HUD terminal.
If there is a camera in the child protection zone, it provides the same guidance function as a speed camera.
[MCon K x NUGU voice assistant]
The following functions are provided through voice commands.
- Destination search and route guidance function
- Call incoming/outgoing function and call record inquiry
MCon K uses the access rights below.
● Required access rights
1. Phone: user authentication, identification
2. Location: Identify current location, route guidance, display HUD guidance information in the background
3. Storage space: Save map data and resources
4. Bluetooth: Connect to HUD via Bluetooth
5. Notifications: Maintain communication with HUD, notification of connection status
● Select access rights
1. Address Book: Make a call by voice
2. Camera: Serial number authentication with QR code
3. Drawing on top of other apps: Answering a call with MCon K while giving directions
4. Microphone: Voice recognition function
5. SMS: Send SMS while driving
6. Call log: display contacts, redial call
Even if you do not agree to allow optional access rights, you can use services other than the applicable function.
The MCon K app operates route guidance and HUD-linked functions only on the MCon K dedicated HUD.
The MCon K app is a communication-based app and cannot be used when Wi-Fi or data communication is not available.
[Information on linked HUD hardware brand name and model name]
TPLAY, HUD Q, HUD Q MAX, MCON K, Mando, mando, THUD, HUD T, VOICE HUD, navigation as
What's New in the Latest Version 1.0.10
리뷰로 남겨주신 모든 불편사항들을 신속히 수정하고 있습니다.
사용하시는 HUD 기종의 이름을 함께 적어주시면 보다 신속한 수정이 가능합니다.
더 나은 서비스 제공을 위해 노력하겠습니다.
1. 백그라운드에서 음성 안내가 중단되는 버그 수정
2. HUD 연결 기능 버그 수정
- 시리얼 번호를 다시 등록한 후 HUD와 연결 시 연결 상태 판정 오류 수정
- Tmap API DUAL-HUD 연결 오류 수정
● '휴대폰 블루투스 > 등록된 기기'에 HUD가 등록되어야
HUD와 정상적으로 연결됩니다.
- HUD와 자동 연결성 개선
앱 안정성이 향상된 최신 버전을 사용해 주세요.