Soulloop 是您高度個性化且非常直觀的自我指南。
該應用程序由 NASA 數據、占星術、瑜伽、脈輪療愈和冥想的智慧提供支持,帶您踏上通往自我意識的終極旅程。 Soulloop 以定制的冥想、教練式的問題和變革性的占星術讀數為特色,讓您成為自己命運的主人,並創造等待您的生活。
* 根據您的占星數據,為您生活的各個領域量身定制的程序。
* 日常練習,包括激活脈輪的冥想,將您與月相和黃道帶聯繫起來。
* 與月相同步的每日心情追踪器。
* 與朋友分享如何促進溝通的技巧。
最新版本的新增內容 5.2.0
NEW! Astro forecast, an exciting new feature that combines present cosmic energy with the energy of your own birth chart to empower and support you through all your life decisions, knowing when to act and pause according to the transits most aligned with your purpose. Check your short-term transits, with the day-to-day life effects from personal planets, as well as long-term transits, with the lifelong shifts from social planets.