你見過那些巧妙製作的木製拼圖嗎?那些看起來如此簡單,但卻被證明是分裂的挑戰? Interlocked提供巧妙製作的3D拼圖,其目標是弄清楚每個互鎖級別如何配合在一起以便將其拉開。
- 3D腦筋急轉彎的謎題
- 5個具有挑戰性的章節
- 由最初的Flash遊戲的創作者帶給你,超過2000萬!
- 許多成就解鎖
最新版本的新增內容 1.4
Hello, it's been a while! We've fixed some policy issues as well as added a few minor tweaks - All to make sure the classic puzzler Interlocked works on modern devices so you can keep playing. 🧩 Stay tuned for more and thank you for playing :)