Vulnerability Plan is an educational game aimed at social workers who welcome, welcome and support asylum seekers and refugees.
Vulnerability Plan offers 15 scripted modules around the subject of vulnerability, its detection and the care of the person concerned. The user must, depending on the context of each scene and the knowledge he already has or acquires via the application, make the best possible decisions in order to increase his gauge of good practice.
The objective is to raise awareness among the public who come into contact with people seeking asylum or refugees on a daily basis about the vulnerabilities that these people may be affected by. 5 types of vulnerability are thus the common themes of the modules: health, mental health, women victims of violence, human trafficking and the LGBTI+ community.
Vulnerability Plan was developed by Almédia under the supervision of the General Secretariat for Regional Affairs, Prefecture of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region as part of "Mission solidaire, citoyenne, logement, ville".
Almédia does not represent the French government.