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Polar H10 Arrhythmia

Polar H10 Arrhythmia

Deep learning medical 01/25/2024
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Polar Extra application uses the POLAR H10 heart rate monitor to detect ectopic heartbeats at rest or during exercice. Beats occurring prematurely and outside the physiological heart rhythm are called extrasystoles. The POLAR H10 bluetooth connection allows you to record in real time on your Android device, the electrocardiogram (ECG) as well as your heart rate and in the case of a physical exercice, the accelerometer sensor data from the POLAR H10. The ECG signal is processed using a convolutional neural network to distinguish between normal beats and premature beats and to detect this type of cardiac arrhythmia. The neural network makes it possible to detect the RR intervals (time interval between two beats) in the signal corresponding to ectopic beats. This convolutional neural network also performs the morphological analysis of the signal. This analysis allows thanks to the use of a large public database (Physionet.org) to learn the shapes of beats corresponding to the two types of premature beats: Ventricular Premature Beat and Atrial Premature Beat. It should be noted that the model was validated using a part of the Physionet database completely independent from the part used to build the neural network. The detection of ventricular and supraventricular extrasystoles is done in real time in the application as well as heart rate monitoring. Additional analysis of segment and intervals on the ECG using the Neurokit2 software has been integrated to the application.
The sensor accelerometer of the POLAR H10 makes it possible to calculate the number of foot steps or strides during a walk or a run. The application allows you to calculate an approximate distance traveled as well as an average speed. The user gives a time interval which defines the frequency of the ECG signal processing and POLAR H10 Arrhythmia will give periodically voice indications on the number and type of abnormal beats detected, the average, maximum and instantaneous heart rate, as well as in the case of a physical exercice, the number of steps, the approximate distance covered and the speed. It is possible to perform an analysis of the ECG signal from the beginning at any time. There is no time limit in using the application which can run for hours in the background allowing continuous monitoring of your heartbeats. It is also possible to analyze ECG signals already stored on your device. These are saved in real time in the Documents folder of the Android device. When launching the application for the first time, please indicate the ID of the Polar H10 device (written on the edge of the sensor) then restart the application. This application is for educational purposes and does not replace a medical diagnosis. If you think you are experiencing heart rhythm disturbances, please consult your doctor.

최신 버전의 새로운 기능  7

Add waves/segments/intervals analysis, add instructions

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    Android 10 and up
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    Deep learning medical
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