How To Make Galaxy Syrup In Boba Story

Game developers B-Tech Consulting Group reminds us exactly how good they are at creating milk tea-focused games with Bob…

199  読んだ回数 出版された  12/13/2023

Game developers B-Tech Consulting Group reminds us exactly how good they are at creating milk tea-focused games with Boba Story! Boba Story is a management simulator game that puts the player in charge of running a budding milk tea shop in another dimension!

As the title of the game suggests, Boba Story is about building a milk tea shop by selling customizable drinks! Each of these drinks can have a base, a topping, an add-in, and a lid, with prices varying depending on which ingredients were used!

This article aims to guide you through the process of unlocking a specific ingredient, the Galaxy Syrup!

Photo: B-Tech Consulting Group

How to Make Galaxy Syrup

Photo: B-Tech Consulting Group

Galaxy Syrup can be unlocked via crafting at the Experiment Table using a Star, a Planet, and a Sugar Cube! Once unlocked, players can begin including the Galaxy Syrup in their drinks by selecting it as an Add On in the drinks mixing menu!

If you’re still a little confused and need more help, below we’ve included a step-by-step guide on exactly how to craft the Galaxy Syrup, and how to access the Experiment Table to create new ingredients!

Step 1: Unlock The Magic Den

Photo: B-Tech Consulting Group

The Magic Den can be found on the left side of the counters and waiting areas. The Magic Den is unlocked via purchasing it with 1,000 leaves. Unlocking the Magic Den is a prerequisite to obtaining the Galaxy Syrup since we will need access to both Kokoro and the Experiment Table in order to craft this ingredient!

We recommend unlocking all of the Drinks Counters and Waiting Areas before purchasing the Magic Den, since earning Leaves becomes significantly easier when you can serve multiple customers simultaneously!

Step 2: Obtain Gifts from Kokoro

Photo: B-Tech Consulting Group

Kokoro will gift Trinkets to the player three times a day for free, with any succeeding gifts requiring ad watching or paying 400 leaves. The Trinkets received from Kokoro are used to craft ingredients that can be added to your drinks!

Photo: B-Tech Consulting Group

Specifically, you will want to obtain Trinkets that resemble a Star, a Planet, and a Sugar Cube, as these are the components required to craft the Galaxy Syrup.

If you’re patient and have the time, we highly recommend watching ads over paying 400 Leaves since there is no clear limit to how many times you’re allowed to do this per day. This method allows you to farm as many Trinkets as you need at essentially zero cost.

Step 3: Access The Experiment Table

Photo: B-Tech Consulting Group

The Experiment Table is located just below Kokoro and can be used to craft different ingredients for your drinks! Each attempt costs three Trinkets in total and will take a little bit of time before each experiment finished.

So long as the correct Trinkets are used in the experiment, the exact order they are placed on the table does not matter.

Photo: B-Tech Consulting Group

Successful experiments reward the player with reusable ingredients that can be included in your drinks and served to customers!

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