在轨道枢纽的中心,SWRMS 熔炉是对天选者勇气和精神的终极考验。这场由雅典娜亲自设计的转世仪式,对每个参与者来说,不仅仅是一场场战斗,更是一次深刻的蜕变之旅。
最新版本的新增内容 1.1
Welcome to the launch of SWRMS! Dive into intense combat, collect powerful loot, and climb the ranks on the leaderboards.
Key Features:
- Survival & Kaisen Mode
- Inventory & Equipment
- Leaderboards to track progression
- In-Game Store
Patch Notes:
- Improved Visuals & Controls
- Gameplay Re-balancing
We appreciate your feedback and suggestions to improve the game. Please visit https://discord.gg/andrometahub to share your thoughts.
Thanks for playing!