Dark Age - Ultimate Gameplay Guide

Dark Age is an action-adventure game that gets you into action straight away. The game is fast and smooth. You take on e…

140  বার পড়া প্রকাশিত  12/13/2023

Dark Age is an action-adventure game that gets you into action straight away. The game is fast and smooth. You take on enemies and monsters with the help of your team who possess unique abilities. 

Dark Age takes you to many different environments for battle, you need to find ways to defeat the Stooges and then the boss in the boss fight. 

The game keeps you on your toes as you can upgrade the characters and skills mid-game and collect rewards and collectibles mid-fight. Let’s dive into how the game works and how the gameplay works. 

Dark Age - Gameplay 1

Photo: Hihiyo

Dark Age – Gameplay

Dark Age takes you straight into the fight. Your character is Leonidas, a soldier and you are up against evil enemies who threaten to wreak havoc against the world.

The world is a dark place and Leonidas with the help of his friends tries and take down the evil monsters and bosses. 

Dark Age - Gameplay 2

Photo: Hihiyo

As we said earlier, the game takes place in different environments. You have to battle enemies in forests, plains, ruins, and more.

You take on the smaller enemies at the start of each round before you face the boss in the final battle. The bosses vary in each round in Dark Age. 

You need to keep upgrading the skills charts and the skin charts to have a chance at beating the bosses.

Various chests unlock upon the XPs you gain from the battle and those chests contain a lot of loot. The loot will contain diamonds, coins, armor, weapons, and more. 


Combat is pretty slick when it comes to graphics but it is also hair-tearing because you cannot control the players during battles. Leonidas and his friends fight the enemies on their own. Your job is to upgrade their armor, skills, and skins. 

Dark Age - Combat

Photo: Hihiyo

Each hero has their unique abilities and skills. It is your job to increase the abilities and skills of all the heroes. You have to activate and upgrade the skills manually and then the heroes will take those upgraded abilities on the battlefield. 

Once upgraded, the heroes will use their powers automatically on the battlefield. You have to sit back and watch how they fare in the battles. 

Field Upgrades

Field upgrades are necessary in this game. We cannot emphasize the need to upgrade skills in this game.

You will require diamonds and coins to upgrade the characters and specifically coins to enhance the skills. You can enhance the physical and spell attacks of the heroes without which you are doomed. 

Not upgrading the heroes will result in continuous defeats in the boss battles. It’s not like boss fights will get easier with each defeat, nope, the boss’s difficulty levels are quite high in this game. Hence, there is a genuine need to upgrade the heroes.

Dark Age - Upgrades

Photo: Hihiyo

The system to upgrade the heroes is the same for each of them but the skill chart is different. The skill chart will upgrade the physical attack features from throwing arrows to casting strong spells. The skin chart will increase features such as aimed shots and health increase. 

Field upgrades will also increase the upgrades regarding armor and weapons. You will collect upgraded weapons and armor from the chests. You also have to level up the cloaks so that they in turn help you with additional health and upgraded attacks. 

The Boss Fights

The boss fights are tough in the Dark Age. Unless your heroes are not at the level required to face the final bosses of each round, your heroes are as good as cooked.

You can try an infinite number of times to defeat the boss but unless the heroes aren’t sufficiently upgraded, you are going to eat defeat every time. 

Dark Age - Boss fights

Photo: Hihiyo

You also get additional health and attacking prowess before every boss fight in Dark Age.

You might have to watch ads to upgrade the health and attacks but they are totally worth it in the fights because every little help is needed to bring down the minsters. 

There is also a Strike option on the screen during these fights that will help you gain extra XP points as well as armor and weapon upgrades and coins and diamonds. 


You are not winning Dark Age without the help of collectibles. The collectibles include diamonds, coins, armor and weapon upgrades, spells, and others. There are many ways you can get your hands on these items. 

The Black Market is one of the best places to get items. You will need a hatful of diamonds to unlock these items but if you do have sufficient diamonds then you can directly unlock a variety of items ranging from chests to coins to keys. 

Dark Age - Collectibles

Photo: Hihiyo

You can also buy diamonds from the treasure and gem shops. Buying diamonds will give you a bucketload of them to then spend it on upgrades and unlockables.

Diamonds are difficult to gather, they gather at a slow pace so if money isn’t a hindrance then you can spend some to buy diamonds to help you in your upgrades. 

Maze Deep

Maze Deep in Dark Age is a section where you directly face off against bosses. There is a chain of bosses that you have to go through, as you climb up the ladder defeating one after the other, you will eventually win a chest that contains lots of valuable collectibles. 

Dark Age - Maze Deep

Photo: Hihiyo

Maze Deep contains different levels of floors. As you move up the ladder, the difficulty level increases. Each floor contains 10 bosses. 

Dark Age - End

Photo: Hihiyo


As an action-adventure game, Dark Age Shadows Unleashed hits it out of the park. Everything about the game is smooth from graphics to gameplay.

Dark Age makes you work hard, every victory will feel justified. It is a game we would recommend. There is just one piece of advice we would give when you play this game – Keep Upgrading! 

Enjoyed reading this game guide? Check out our other game guides like the Hero Survivor guide, the Dungeon Hunter 6 guide, and many more.

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