>  遊戲  >  木板  >  Bau Cua
Bau Cua

Bau Cua

CStudio Mobile 06/23/2024
You need SENGFT to install .XAPK File.
  • 螢幕截圖1
  • 螢幕截圖2
  • 螢幕截圖3
  • 螢幕截圖4
  • 螢幕截圖5
  • 螢幕截圖6
  • 螢幕截圖7
  • 螢幕截圖8


Bau Cua Tom Ca game with simple gameplay, predicting dice results randomly.

Our Bau Cua with simple but rich content, unique in sound and images:
- Do not grant individual tracking permissions
- Unlimited number of participants and number of games.
- Completely green, ripe and free.

Instructions on how to play:
To play this game, you must have a chessboard with all 6 pictures of animals in the same order from left to right, from top to bottom: Deer Bau Chicken Fish Crab Shrimp There are several versions. They will be in different order. There is also a main element that is indispensable: 3 dice with pictures of these six animals printed on them.
To start playing, the dealer puts three dice into the pot, closes the lid, shakes it, and everyone predicts the result. The dealer continues to open the lid and announces the result, thus completing one round of play.

To contribute to enriching the game content, we look forward to your feedback to develop and perfect this crab game to bring the best experience.

Bau Cua: intended for adult audiences only for primarily entertainment purposes. We wish you health and confidence every day when playing our games.

最新版本的新增內容  2024

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  • 需要安卓系統
    Android 7.0 and up
  • 開發商
    CStudio Mobile
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  • 可用於
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