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Vejret - not YR

Vejret - not YR

SFS Development 11/27/2023
아직 리소스가 없습니다.
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This is a danish weather app, providing you with the weather for cities in the entire world. There are some extra features only relevant to Denmark. Like weather alerts, radar and weather maps.

PLEASE NOTICE: It can be used in all countries, but are best if you are in Denmark. And the weather forecast itself are not translated from Danish(but should still make sense for most:-))

This app shows the city weather from most cities in the world. It use the Danish Meteorological Institute(DMI).
It is presented nice and fast.

There is also a widget with current weather from openweathermap.org. Here you can see temperature, wind, pressure and humidity.

Please notice that since I'm only allowed to show the city weather directly inside the app, the rest of the features are links to DMI. Choose between mobile version or desktop version.

- World Weather
- Notices regarding dangerous weather in Denmark. Select counties to receive from..
- Sunrise and sunset for your position.
- City weather from position(only in Denmark), list or postal code(only danish cities)
- Latest radar from DMI
- 2 days widget
- 3-9 days widget
- Weather now with temperature, wind, pressure.
- Add as many widgets as you want.
- Latest weather maps with forecast for rainfall, humidity, wind and temperature(Denmark only)
- City weather has Smart zoom with double click and pinch zoom.
- 2 days weather forecast from DMI Weather
- 3-9 days weather forecast from DMI Weather
- 10-15 days weather forecast
- Set uncertainty fro rainfall to and from(only in denmark)
- Satellite
- Weather at sea
- UV index
- Weather alerts

Should you have any problems please sent me an email andI will try to fix it.
Also get my Tekst Tv app DR/TV2 TV
No data from yr

최신 버전의 새로운 기능  4.2.84

Improvement to DMI/YR, so it is even closer to the DMI old look. Can be set as start tab, in the menu. It also uses a more locale and newer weather model, so it is the recommended tab.
Fix link to latest 24 hours

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