ラストオリジン –次世代美少女×戦略RPG-

ラストオリジン –次世代美少女×戦略RPG-

GOP Co., Ltd. 06/18/2024
  • スクリーンショット1
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Become the commander of the beautiful girl bioloids and challenge the devastated world to the end RPG

▼ Story
It has been 100 years since human beings were destroyed by iron bugs that parasitize machines.
The "bioloids" created by humans wandered around the world, believing that the humans who guide them still live somewhere.

And the last human being finally found.

What is the truth of the world's destruction that we will know from now on?! ?
You are the one who remains until the destruction of humanity.

▼Game overview
Understand the skills and characteristics of bioloids and create a powerful squad!
With a turn-based battle system, winning and losing depends on the commander's (you) arm, such as activating skills and changing formations!
When defeated, the bioloids...

・Combatant production
By consuming "parts", "power", "nutrition" and "gene seeds", you can create new bioloids.
All characters are available! The probability of the type and grade of bioloid produced varies depending on the input of various resources, so try various tests to find your favorite bioloid!

Yui Horie, Aya Susaki, Emi Kato, Yu Serizawa, Noriyuki Hiyama, Rena Ueda, Kana Azumi, Aimi Numakura, Yumi Hara, Lansberry Arthur, Aimi Tanaka, Chika Akasaki, Mimu Kubota, Noriko Shitaya, Yonezawa Yen, Akaneya Hikai summer, Sayuri Hara...etc.

最新バージョンの新機能  2.5.30


  • バージョン
  • アップデート
  • ファイルサイズ
  • カテゴリー
  • Androidが必要です
    Android 5.1 and up
  • 開発者
    GOP Co., Ltd.
  • インストール
  • ID
  • 上で利用可能
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