Neo Story: Love and Choices

Neo Story: Love and Choices 06/16/2024
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Romance, love, mysterious adventures, passion, and sex — merge into one maelstrom of emotions, which engulf you from the first chapters.

Make choices for your main character, change the story, and create your own unique plot. The finale and the fate of your MC depend only on you.

Dive into a beautiful fantasy world, discover the love lines, develop relationships with other characters, and enjoy plot twists!
Make your choices with your heart, and we'll delight you with different finales.

What kind of story would you like to explore with the characters in our visual novels?

We offer you the love stories which will distract you from the routine, give you excitement and make your deepest desires come true!
Will you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend? Or both?

Will you immerse yourself in the noisy streets of the metropolis, or find yourself in a harem of the Ottoman Empire of the XV century?
It's up to you to decide!

We provide you with the following options:
- Perfect character: choose the appearance, race, outfit, and hairstyle
- Content 18+
- Same-sex relationships, LGBT
- Mini-stories and special episodes
- Weekly horoscope, Tarot readings
- Daily rewards and bonuses
- Friendly club of fans, contests, and activities
- Responsive support
Regular updates, offbeat plots, love, sex, passion, mystique, and adventure — you can experience it all with Neo Story!

We're constantly working on new chapters and updating our romantic stories:

You're an FBI agent, and strange things are happening around you. Your memory seems to fail, and your mission to solve the tangle of mysteries and riddles seems impossible.
You are immersed in the investigation of a series of violent murders and keep finding clues, but the case becomes even more confusing.

Especially when ghosts, vampires, and other mystical creatures get in the way.
Do you think the main thing is not to go crazy?
Nope, unless you are one of them.
Whose side will you take?
To be the villain or the upstanding agent? It's up to you!

After all, that's what interactive stories are created for!

When life is measured and predictable, and the future is supposed to be bright — who can imagine that the coming day will change your whole life?

You are forced to marry the man you do not love, but fate wills you to find yourself in an Ottoman galley, captured by an audacious skipper.

What will be your fate?
Can you survive in the maelstrom of harem intrigues?
What will be your ultimate goal? Love, revenge, or authority?

Intrigue, love, and romance go hand in hand in this love story!

Create your own storyline with Neo Story.
Become a part of romantic love stories, adventures, secrets, and intrigues.
Choose, wish, and love!

Feel with the NEO Story!

  • バージョン
  • アップデート
  • ファイルサイズ
  • カテゴリー
  • Androidが必要です
    Android 7.0 and up
  • 開発者
  • インストール
  • ID
  • 上で利用可能
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